Ok so I've gotten like super back into the Hylics series lately and AGH I love this game so much! Now to anyone who really knows me this probs isn't a surprise lmao I'm a huge sucker for surreal indie RPGs, but seriously it's a whole new level of amazing! Been watching loads of lore videos, finally caught up on Vinesauce's playthrough of 2, and found out THERE'S A HYLICS 3 IN THE WORKS?? What a time to rejoin the fandom haha!
[SPOILERS IN THE NEXT SECTION. Seriously go play the games my ramblings will make little sense otherwise]
I also gave Absent Moon a listen and god what an album. If I could ramble for a second, Seasons is my favourite song on it. Somsnosa's hands down my favourite character, but Dedusmuln's fascination with ancient technology and the more human times has really grown on me as someone who also gets really into things I find mildly interesting lmao. The song itself is such a tonal departure as well from the rest of the songs in terms of the actual music. The lyrics sound hopeful at first but you'll notice a section towards the end with a shift from this very adventurous and upbeat melody to quite a more dire situation, before of course cycling back to the upbeat tone (pun entirely intended). From what I've heard and what can be interpreted, the song's about Dedusmuln and Smuldunde (character introduced in Hylics 2 that looks similar to Dedus), traveling together to attempt to uncover more about the ancient times after Wayne's departure at the end of 2, coming across mutated Wayne creatures and pondering if Wayne's sudden departure and the "absent moon" (having been destroyed in Hylics 1) are beginning to upset the balance of the world they inhabit, as well as wondering what happened to his friend; "Has the season changed? Has it rearranged to give or to replace?", "and these nights are long, with the absent moon", "What made you disappear? Is part of you still here?".
There's a whole lot I could say about that song like there's a lot to unpack and analyse in almost every line but I think I'll spare you that tangent haha! Just go give it a listen and you'll get it no problem. While you're at it, listen to the whole album I promise as a fan it is super worth you're time!
I know this post is pretty rough. I'll admit I completely lost my train of thought writing it ^v^' I'd love to talk about this series more though the fandom is so chill. If anyone stumbles across this don't hesitate to reach out! I'd be more than grateful for a proper chat on a game I love so much :D